Do's & Don't on Co-parenting
Separating your relationship with your ex-partner on a personal level from your co-parenting relationship is essential for successful co-parenting. It might be beneficial to begin viewing your relationship with your ex-spouse as a brand-new one, one that is solely focused on your children's welfare and not on either of you. Do's for co-parenting: You can do the following things to foster a positive co-parenting relationship for your kids: Create a straightforward, effective way of speaking. One of the most difficult yet crucial aspects of a successful co-parenting partnership is communication. Agree to have open conversations with the kids about any difficulties that come up. Make communication a major priority and set aside time for it. Never perform it in front of kids. Prior to acting or speaking, always consider the impact of your own actions and your child's best interests. Make a deal that neither of you will disparage the other. For the sake of your kids, co-parenti...